Hiring a Divorce Attorney

Whether you’re considering filing for divorce or you’ve already decided to get a divorce, hiring a divorce attorney is a smart move. Divorce attorneys are able to guide you through the process and make sure that you get the best deal possible. In addition, they can help you with issues such as parenting plans and asset division. A good divorce attorney will be able to identify any hidden inequities in your situation and can ensure that you get a fair deal. Do you want to learn more? Visit Jimeno & Gray, P.A.

A divorce attorney can help you to create a solid divorce agreement that you can take to the courthouse. Divorce lawyers are also able to ensure that your divorce decree is enforceable. If the other spouse breaks the agreement, you can go back to the courthouse to have it reaffirmed.

A divorce attorney can also ensure that you receive the financial support you need. For instance, a divorce attorney can assess your spousal support entitlement, and can help you to protect your assets and minimize your debt.

A divorce attorney can also help to determine if your spouse is entitled to receive extracurricular activities for your children. Divorce attorneys can help you to calculate the fairest division of your assets and debts, and can help you to decide on a custody plan for your children.

While you’re in the process of hiring a divorce attorney, it’s also important to do your research. The Internet is a good resource for finding out more about divorce attorneys, as well as the different types of divorce that are available. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or family members. You may also want to consider hiring a financial advisor to help you through this stressful time.

One of the more important aspects of a divorce is the division of your assets and debts. An attorney can help you to determine whether your spouse is entitled to receive a lump sum of money, and whether you’re legally obligated to pay joint debts. Taking into account your income, the number of children, and custody arrangements, a divorce attorney can help you calculate a fair child support amount.

While most divorce attorneys charge by the hour, there are some lawyers who offer a free consultation. Some attorneys charge a minimal retainer to file the first appearance paper, and others prepare a motion requesting your spouse to advance fees ahead of time. Typically, an hourly rate is billed in increments of ten minutes, with a retainer depositing into your attorney-services account.

Another oh-so-common misstep is hiring a divorce attorney who doesn’t provide the quality service you need. Some lawyers charge too much for their services, while others aren’t as attentive as you’d expect. While price isn’t always a factor, it is important to make sure that your attorney can adequately meet your needs.

The other important part of the divorce attorney-client relationship is communication. Your attorney should be able to explain the divorce process to you in terms that you can understand. In addition, you’ll want to have someone on your side who is willing to answer your questions and treat you with the utmost respect.