The Fundamentals of Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are money and property pledged as collateral to release an individual who has been arrested for a crime. A bail bondsman or bail bonds dealer is the person who arranges these bonds and acts as the surety. They will work to secure the release of an individual by posting a bail of his or her choice.Apex Bail Bonds of Greensboro, NC offers excellent info on this.

The premium for bail bonds depends on the type of bail bond and the purpose for which it is being used. If the defendant fails to appear in court, the court forfeits the bond and the co-signor is held personally liable. The bond can be paid off with collateral such as a deed of trust against real estate, the pink slip on a car, or even cash. Usually, this collateral is returned to the individual who pledged it.

Defendants’ assets, income, and employment will also be considered when setting the bail amount. A defendant with substantial assets will not be deterred by a low bail amount, while a defendant with limited resources will be severely impacted by a bail amount that is out of his or her means. Therefore, it is crucial that a bail bondsman make sure the defendant shows up for court on time.

Generally, a person who has committed a low-level crime can be released on personal recognizance. If they do not appear, the court can sell their property to make up for the loan. This option can be a good choice for someone who is unable to pay in cash. However, this option is not ideal for those with a high risk of flight.

Some bail bond agents require their clients to put up collateral against the bond. This is because they want to make sure they receive all of the bail money. They may also require a security interest in the person’s personal property. The collateral may be a house, jewelry, or other assets of a certain value.

Bail bonds are usually expensive. Whether the bail is a small amount or a large sum, the premium a bail bond company collects is often ten to twenty percent of the total bail amount. The money collected by bail bond agents acts as a surety for the defendant. The amount that is required to be paid is typically beyond the financial capacity of most people.

If the accused does not appear for court, the bond agent can attempt to re-arrest them. In such a case, the bail agent will employ bounty hunters. These agents are paid a percentage of the total bail amount in exchange for capturing the defendant. Bounty hunters use sophisticated intelligence gathering systems to locate and capture defendants. Unfortunately, these bounty hunters can be aggressive and use excessive force. Therefore, many states do not have laws concerning bounty hunters.


Apex Bail Bonds of Greensboro, NC
101 South Elm Street Suite 80
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone No. : 336-609-1190