What to Expect From a Chiropractor

Getting treatment from a chiropractor is a great way to relieve pain and improve physical and emotional well-being. Chiropractors specialize in the care of the spine, joints, muscles, and tendons. They can help to treat a wide range of ailments, including back pain, headaches, and muscle pain. They are trained in a number of techniques, such as spinal adjustment, and they use their hands to treat problems. Some chiropractors specialize in physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and sports medicine.If you’re looking for more tips, chiropractic largo has it for you.

During your initial visit, your chiropractor will perform a physical examination and take a detailed case history. He or she will then look for the primary complaint and other possible causes. Then, your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan for you. In addition to this, your chiropractor may suggest exercises and stretches to help you maintain your health. He or she may also suggest a treatment that includes heat or ice, as well as nutritional guidance. You may also be asked about your diet, sleep habits, and any medical conditions that you have.

Depending on your condition, your chiropractor may also prescribe electrotherapy, which is an alternative therapy that uses electricity to stimulate nerves. He or she may also suggest ultrasound, which reduces swelling and pain. The ultrasound may also have a massaging effect on the soft tissues of your body.

Chiropractors may also recommend exercises, stretches, and heat or ice for you to perform at home. They may also recommend a spinal decompression table, which helps to gently separate vertebrae and take pressure off spinal nerves. You may also be prescribed joint bracing, which helps to support the joints of the body after an injury.

When your chiropractor recommends a treatment, he or she will explain the risks and benefits of the procedure. They will also talk to you about your lifestyle habits, including diet, exercise, and stress reduction. They may also refer you to another health care professional.

Chiropractors may use an activator, a small device for gentle manipulation. This may help to relieve muscle spasms. They may also use low-level laser therapy, which penetrates deeply into tissue to reduce inflammation.

Chiropractic treatments may also help you improve your posture. Poor posture causes pressure on the upper back and shoulders. During a chiropractic visit, your chiropractor will also check your arms and legs for mobility. He or she may recommend stretching exercises to help you keep your joints flexible and strong.

Chiropractic treatments may also include X-rays, ultrasound, and electrotherapy. Your chiropractor may take X-rays to check the bones and joints in your spine. They may also test for numbness and reflexes.

The chiropractor will also perform a spinal adjustment, which realigns joints with a controlled force. Chiropractic adjustments help to relieve pain and increase your range of motion. You may also experience soreness in the areas that were adjusted. You should also expect to feel fatigue and a mild headache.

Chiropractors often consult with other health care providers and may prescribe medications to help treat your condition. However, chiropractors do not recommend surgery.


Dr. Duyen Ngo
Chiropractic – Upper Cervical Chiropractor
13119 66th Street N. Largo, FL 33773
Phone No. :(727) 519-0200