When to See a Back Specialist

Depending on the severity of your back pain, you may need to visit a back specialist. You can see a physical therapist, a chiropractor, or an orthopedic physician. If you have severe back pain, it may be best to consult with a back surgeon. Those with less severe cases may be able to get relief from a short bout of physical therapy. Get the facts about Back Specialist Near Me

Back surgeons have extensive training in the area of pain medicine. They will typically listen to your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan. For example, they may recommend a lumbar facet injection using local anesthetics to alleviate your pain. If you have a herniated disc, it can be a good idea to rest and avoid overuse. A physical therapist can also help you return to regular activities with a series of exercises designed for your back.

Depending on the severity of your back pain, your doctor may need to order a number of tests to determine the source of your pain. This includes an exam to look for reflexes. It’s not always easy to determine the source of pain, as it may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, you may experience numbness in your arms and legs. You may also have to take a trip to the ER.
The back specialist will most likely perform the aforementioned physical exam, as well as a neurological exam. The back surgeon may also recommend an injection, a pain management specialist, or another back specialist.

The spine is home to several major joints, including the facet joints, which provide flexibility and stability to the spine. When these joints become inflamed, they cause great pain. The back specialist may recommend one of several treatments for this condition, including a lumbar facet injection using a local anesthetic. A pinched nerve can heal with proper rest and avoidance of overuse.

You may also be advised to see a back specialist if you suffer from a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or a spinal deformity. A herniated disc can be treated with medication, physical therapy, or a surgery. A spinal deformity can be caused by a number of factors, including accidents, arthritis, or a tumor. The most common cause of deformities is a spinal tumor, which is often caused by cancer. The symptoms of a spinal deformity may include back pain, pain with urination, and a loss of bowel control.

Back pain is a common problem. In fact, it affects more people than any other health problem. It can have a big impact on your quality of life. The pain may be caused by a variety of factors, including degenerative diseases, arthritis, or gardening. It’s important to get help as soon as possible. This will minimize suffering and prevent further damage.

The back surgeon may not be the best person to see, but they can be helpful in many cases. It’s not uncommon to see patients who have suffered from back pain for years without getting any relief. However, with the right doctor, you can find the most effective treatments for your condition.